Saturday, December 5, 2015

Amaradeva singing ‘ Paalu Anduru nil ahasa mamai’

Above is  the link to Amaradeva singing ‘ Paalu Anduru nil ahasa mamai’
Lyrics by the famous Mahagama sekera, words as clear as could be only by Amaradeva. His voice has adapted over the years to the latest media.
Village drum beats( raban?), flute and sittar; minimum of instruments. Even the silence can be heard.
An original. Enjoy.

It is a moot point who made whom famous; Did Sekera make Amaradeva famous or vice versa.
As for me if not for Amaradeva, Sekera would be unknown today except to the few.

Amare began recording when 19 years old- Asoka Maala about 1946.

Singer of light or classical music, and music composer par excellence, violinist, tablaist, adept with  whatever is at hand, with a huge library of his works on record, he accepts any music, western or eastern.
No parallel. Not even prodigy A R Rahman of India.  

Now 88 years old, he can yet sing well, like India’s Manjreshkar sisters who are a couple of years younger.


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