Monday, October 19, 2015

Never force children to say grace...

email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

Litttle Johnny strikes again!!!!

>>>> Your smile for today

>>>> At dinner, little Johnny was asked to lead the prayer.
>>>> "But I don't know how to pray," he replied.
>>>> “Just pray for your family, friends and neighbors, the poor, etc.," said his father.
>>>> "Okay”, the boy said,".
>>>> "Dear Lord,... Thank you for our visitors and their children, who finished all my cookies and ice cream.
>>>> Bless them so they won't come again.
>>>> Forgive our neighbor's son, who removed my sister's clothes and wrestled with her on her bed.
>>>> This coming Christmas, please send clothes to all those poor naked ladies on my Daddy's Blackberry.
>>>> And provide shelter for the homeless man who uses Mom's room when Daddy is at work.  AMEN"
>>>> Dinner was cancelled.

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