Saturday, October 24, 2015

Boston bomber identification

Subject:  So You Think You Can Hide In A Crowd?

This is really great

Ever wonder how they found the Boston bombers in just a few days? This may help you to understand what the government is looking at. This photo was taken in Canada and shows about 700,000 people.

Hard to disappear in a crowd.    Pick on a small part of the  crowd click a couple of times -- wait -- click a few more times and see how clear each individual face will become each time. Or use the wheel on your mouse.

This picture was taken with a 70,000 x 30,000 pixel camera  (2100 Mega  Pixels.)  These cameras are not sold to the public and are being installed in strategic locations.

The camera can identify a face among a multitude of people.

Place your computer’s cursor in the mass of people and double-click a  couple times.

Scary sharp!!  Not so easy to hide in a crowd anymore.

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