Tuesday, September 1, 2015

WIFI, A Deadly Serious Health Risk

 email from Milroy De Silva
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There is a tradeoff to everything it seems. You can have more fuel
efficient cars, but they won’t be as big or as powerful. You can have a
great looking body, but you must work at it almost daily. The same appears
to be true for our wireless networks. Everyone loves wireless. No more
bulky, ugly cables to cart around or to snake across the floor. However, it
looks like there is a danger to this wireless technology that we have not
been paying attention to.

I don’t get it, what’s the problem?
Wireless routers and modems send signals to your computers, though the
walls of your house, via electromagnetic radiation. That’s right,
radiation. If it’s going right through the walls of your house, what do you
think it’s doing when it comes to your body? If you have a wireless router
in your home or office, then you are living in a dangerous pool of massive
radiation exposure. Read also 8 ways technology affects health.
One of the problems with this is that no one seems to shut their Wi-Fi off.
EVER. So you are exposed 24/7/365. Let’s not forget that your neighbors
more than likely also have Wi-Fi, so you are virtually surrounded by a
massive wave of EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) overexposure.

Haven’t they been tested as safe?
Well, sort of. Routers emit electromagnetic radiation in the low gigahertz
level, considered safe to a point. The problem is that these EMF’s are not
tested, nor meant to be used 24/7. In home or office environments, Wi-Fi
modems transmit radio signals in roughly the same frequency as when
microwaves cook food.

So is it cooking me?
Not exactly, but there are studies that show that prolonged exposure to the
EMF waves that Wi-Fi routers create can cause brain damage, memory loss,
even tumors. This low frequency EMF’s seem to disturb the human body’s own
energy field which can lead to fatigue, cancer, possibly even DNA changes.

Is it making me sick?
A number of people claim that they are having health related issued due to
exposure to Wi-Fi. The symptoms are numerous and wide ranging, from
irregular heartbeats, dizziness, headaches, poor concentration, digestive
problems, anxiety or depression, and excessive fatigue. Many people claim
they received immediate relief when they turned off their Wi-Fi or left an
area full of Wi-Fi signals.

Take Note.
There was a very interesting study that was recently completed in Denmark.
Danish students took 400 cress seeds (cress is a very fast growing herb)
and split them between two rooms. Both sets of seeds received the same
amount of care, except that in one room, the seeds were placed next to two
Wi-Fi routers. 12 days later, the seeds that were in the room with the
Wi-Fi signals had failed to sprout while the others sprouted in the normal
Perhaps it’s time we made ourselves aware of the dangers of technology that
surround us. Talk with friends and neighbors about the dangers of these
massive energy fields. Hook up that ethernet cable and turn off the router
when not in use. Your brain and body will thank you.

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