Thursday, August 20, 2015

Free Artificial limbs, Sri Lanka.

 By far the largest supplier of Artificial Limbs in the country.
                       Colombo Friend In need Society ( FINS)
                                  FINS MEANS FREE LIMBS

We are on the net now. Link above.
Physically situated by the Beira Lake more or less opposite Bishops College for girls. Workshop, Office hostel for amputees.

Colombo Friend In  Need Society  Born 1831. Carrying on 184 years. Right?

Supplying  limbs since 1985. 25,000 prostheses ( artificial Limbs) supplied. Completely Free.
Plus free food lodging for the period of fitting
and training by physiotherapists.
All with individual donations.   
554 limbs given in 11 months beginning July 2009  just 6 weeks after war.
Over the next 11 months, setting 10 camps up north. Menik Farm. Mannar Hospital, Vavunia Hospital.
Last camp in Jaffna February 2015.

Look see on the net.
Some  of you donated.
Please help the less fortunate. Each limb lasts  2-3 years.

Some born with defects have received over 10 limbs as they grew.

Some are now in the varsity. Most do go back to work and be productive.
Selected amputees willing to rehabilitate helped with loans, supervision.
Susiri Werasekera MBBS, FRCS(Eng)
Board Member, Technical and medical Advisor.
Colombo FINS.

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