Thursday, August 13, 2015

emails re the get-together

8:10 PM (8 hours ago)

to me
Congratulations!!! Everyone seems thrilled at the effort the committee has put into the reunion.

Well done to you for the batch email which keeps everyone informed. Sorry I had to give a miss this year. I hope to be in SL with my son and family for 18 days doing a tour of the cultural sites. This is their second trip.

Sunil Liyanage <>
Date: 13 August 2015 at 06:13
Subject: Get together comments

Hi all,
As children, some of us had months of growing excitement about the nearing of Christmas..  Then we have all the fun on one day; opening presents, eating too much, and in later years, drinking too much and then snoozing on the sofa..  Boxing Day was a let-down.  I presume the arranging of your daughter’s wedding (we didn’t have the privilege of doing it) was the same.  Any one who has organised any event would have gone through an year of planning and anxiety; the day comes and then goes in the blinking of an eye.  Guests enjoy it but had not lost a bead of sweat or an ounce of fat from anxiety.  The 50th Anniversary was no different.  All of us attendees had the time of our lives, and then went about our routine activities and daily chores.  I wanted to write immediately to each of the organisers, but alas I moved away from the arena of fun and action, and never had the courtesy to write and congratulate and thank the organisers.  Belatedly, the chain is moving; it may be a rollercoaster.  But I now join those who have openly expressed their thanks to the organisers.  To me it was special; I had attended only one, the one we organised in UK to mark 25.  The enjoyment I had in June from meeting, trying to recognise, then swapping stories from our past far exceeded my expectations.  Yes, the organisation was fab and of the highest order. Turning up alone for this get together was an anxious and worrying predicament.  Watching the pictures of our colleagues, my dear wife and many close friends, listening to the trilingual musical accompaniment was a tear-jerker.  I cherished the unimaginable friendship and support from Bella’s friends.  The get together was memorable; but for me, for a very different reason.
So belatedly, I join the others to thank each of the organisers for giving up their time, and working damned hard – just for us.  Though I would definitely attend the next round of festivities, we cannot expect the same group of workers to do it again in three years, two years or one year, just for us
Thanks guys

Sunil Liyanage,
Waverley Court, Wentworth Drive, Virginia Water, GU25 4NY
07850 497190   01344 844208

Date: 13 August 2015 at 23:46
Subject: Phillip and the very efficient organisers
To: Philip Veerasingam <>

We actually feel that after such a brilliant get together our batchmates will have no hesitation in making the event once an year. The main purpose  is to meet again while the sun shines. All the very best Somaratna and Daphne.

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