Wednesday, August 12, 2015

emails on the get-together

Asoka Dissanayake

07:56 (21 hours ago)

to "'undisclosed-., me
I too would like to add to the sentiments expressed by Derryck and Soma. It might be difficult to make it once a year but could we try to meet at least once it two years as we all are now living on borrowed time!
Wishing everyone good health
Asoka D

From: 1960 medical batch Colombo []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 5:27 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: email from Derryck

Asoka Tinto

14:34 (14 hours ago)

to Durumila, Daya, me
Derek ,  I agree ,those who can will come.  Thank you again to all the organisers.  It was a great get-together.

All the best 


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