Monday, August 10, 2015



00:13 (6 hours ago)

to me

Dear Philip, We must say a very big thank-you for the lovely time we all enjoyed at the recent get together. Almost everyone we came across said it was the best. Thank--you Philip and your efficient organisers... My wife Daphne and I would like to make a small suggestion towards this great and important event, Why cant we have the get together annually instead of every 2years. After we have reached our 50TH anniversary, this is simply food for thought. Trusting you and family are all keeping well. Please do keep in touch...Yours sincerely, Weera   Dr S. Weerasinghe and wife Daphne..

Hello Weera,
Thanks for the email. We all enjoyed  the event and it gave new life to all of us. I will circulate your message to the Batch. If you have any interesting photos of the event please send them to me by email. Wishing you and Daphne all the best.

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