Monday, August 17, 2015

Eggs and Cholesterol

Eggs do not import cholesterol into your body - Even two eggs a day

Let us consider some data ( I sent this some years ago,) about eating eggs.

It was Russian clinician Ignatowski who around 1900 who fed rabbits with milk and egg and noted atherosclerosis in the  arteries in a few weeks. So for the first time Atherosclerotic plaques were produced scientifically. Using food

But giving vegetarian rabbits food they do not eat normally (being  vegetarians) does not infer that it will be the same in animals used to egg and milk.

Then soon, probably  instigated by the senior Dr. Antchkov, a young member there N.W. Stuckey  gave one group of rabbits muscle fluid as supplement, the 2nd group egg white as supplement and the third only egg yolk.

On cutting up, only the egg group had atherosclerotic plaques in their blood vessels(arteries).

This led to the world wide anti-egg craze in the next 100 years!

Ignored was the fact  that all three groups had been given animal material to eat. Which could not therefore be used vs the egg if carnivores like us ate egg.
I do not know why they did not experiment on carnivores. I may  not have got at the trials.
It took years of counter research to get evidence in favor of eating  egg. Yet going on.

On the other hand egg yolk has been shown to be able to produce atheromatic plaques. Clear.

So today, all, those who are susceptible,  have had heart attacks, those who have higher cholesterol values( the light weight stuff of low density) and many at possible risk are told, not to take eggs by doctors.

( My belief without 100% proof is that in the susceptible people, egg yolk does elevate cholesterol as lowering of the blood level occurs with diet avoiding egg.)

This is sensible till proved otherwise.
Further lowering bad cholesterols of people over the two decades, in addition to dieting and exercising has clearly lowered deaths.
I feel, after age 75 go ahead and eat your head off,  if only to prevent you having to look after the next generation falling ill as you reach 95 years of age.
Cheers to egg.
I know my friend ate 7 egg hoppers back in the 1960s the  Green Cabin stuff with mus curry. Today he eats 2 eggs. But form 1972 he has walked 3 miles a day! He keeps doing it in his late 70s. 
Weight has never increased. Some reduction only.
Now look at his bosom friend of that time. Being bigger, he ate 9 egg hoppers. He kept gaining weight  not doing  3 miles a day except by car, and in his 40s got paralysed, died a few years later.
What is sauce for the goose is not always sauce for the gander! Like most Asian do not do well with rich diets becoming diabetic at least.
Cause said to be due to the presence of a yet unfound  insulting ‘ famine gene’.
Actually they find Asians seem to get it with ‘ better’ more foods. The bodies of whites are attuned to store up fat in the body for winter utilization.

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