Saturday, August 29, 2015


email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai
A joker told the audience  a wonderful joke and all the people started laughing. Joker repeated the
same joke  and only few people laughed.He again repeated the same joke but this time no one laughed.Then he told these beautiful lines...  " when you cannot  laugh on the same joke again and again...then why do you  cry  again and  again on the same worry". So enjoy your every 

moment  of life..!!Life is beautiful

A few days ago, Charlie Chaplin';s 125th birthday was celebrated- a good day to recollect his 3  heart-touching statements:-  
 (1) Nothing is permanent  in this world, not even our troubles.   

 (2) I like walking in  the rain, because nobody can see my tears. 
 (3) The most wasted day  in life is the day in which we have not laughed.

Keep smiling and pass this  message to everyone whom you want to see smiling too. 

A Lot Of Trouble Would Disappear
If Only People Would Learn To Talk To One Anothe Instead Of Talking
About One Another .....      

When People Walk Away From You, 
Let Them Go.Your Destiny Is Never Tied To Anyone Who LeavesYou.  It Doesn't Mean They Are Bad People.  It Just MeansThat Their Part In Your Story Is Over.

People nowadays are like Bluetooth.
 If you stay close they stay connected, If you go away they find new devices...      

Human Life Would Be Perfect If.Anger Had A STOP Button    Mistakes Had A REWIND Button Hard Times Had A FORWARD Button    And Good Times A
PAUSE Button !!      

Always WelcomeYour Problems,    
Because Problems Give You Dual Advice.  
Firstly, You Can Know How To Solve Them,   
Secondly, You Learn How To Avoid Them In Future, 

Have Faith In GOD And Yourself…!      
Reflection Cannot Be Seen In Boiling Water, 
In The SameWay,Truth Cannot Be Seen In A State Of Anger! Analyze Before You Finalize. 

Success Is Like A Beautiful Lover. 
 It Will Leave Us At Anytime, But Failure Is Like A Mother.  It Will Teach Us Some Important Lessons Of Life!  

A Good Heart Can Win Many Relationships. 
A Good Nature CanWin Many Good Hearts! 
A TOUCH Could  HEAL A Wound 
An Eye Could SPEAK Volumes  
A SMILE Can Confirm I AM THERE !!     

 The Bird Asked The Bumblebee:   
 "You Work So Hard To Make The Honey And Humans Just Take  It Away.  Doesn't It Make
You Feel Bad?"    

"No," Said The Bee, "Because They Will Never Take From Me The Art Of Making It."  

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