Friday, June 19, 2015

*The good old days in good old Ceylon*

 - by Ms.Therese Nilmini


email from 

Gallege De Silva

16 Jun (3 days ago)


 *The good old days in good old Ceylon*
 by Ms.Therese Nilmini

 Off to School in red Double Decker
> The ride was a must in a CTB bus
> One leg on the foot board
> The other dangling free
> Imminent danger
> Was a mere glee
> 20 kids plus
> In a space for three
> Hung on the silver pole
> How many could it hold?
> Galle Road to Maradana
> 5c half price ticket
> Cost was not so dear
> Cut school on a lazy Friday,
> Off to the show at 10.30, the Liberty,
> Queued down the street not long to go
> Braving the sun for ten thirty show
> ABBA the movie, the latest release in 70mm
> The gallery destination please
> The cheapest seats, a 55c each,
> Dripping sweat from our chins to our knees
> Gallery was for the lower class
> Rs 1.10 for the second class
> Never could afford the first class
> ODC was for the upper class
> Been there free of charge
> Once thrown out by security guards
> Balcony was certainly no go
> There was always not enough dough
> Friend drove a Morris, we'd all pile on in
> His friend had Ford, a little more space
> Uncle too had a car
> That kept us all fit
> With a “thallu” start to gain more pace
> Waited for March, big match day
> And the Cycle Parade was before that day
> Collect the money for thosi kade
> And the fun was to ring the College bell before the end of
> school time.
> First stop was the belfry, to ring the bell then run like
> hell,
> laughing all the way.
> Then the man in charge shouting and start chasing all the
> way
> Meet the girl friend for a chat
> Holding hands was the most we got.
> Bus halt the preferred place
> These were the good old days.
> Zellers, Knickerbocker Glory and Bambalapitiya flats
> Perhaps some of you are too young to appreciate this...
> You may however ask your parents and they would agree.
> When the worst thing you could do at school was smoke in
> the
> bathrooms, fail a test or chew gum.
> And the banquets were in the tuck-shop,
> And we danced to a gramophone later, and all the girls wore
> fluffy pastel gowns,
> And the boys wore 'longs' for the first time,
> And we were allowed to stay out and watch a 9.30 PM show at
> the
> Liberty and the Majestic and the Savoy
> And the biggest thrill was holding hands...!
> When a Sunbeam Alpine or an MG was everyone's dream
> car,
> To cruise, peel out, lay rubber and watch the road races and
> people went steady.
> It was the greatest weekend to go to
> the Galle Face Hotel's 'Coconut Grove' with the
> or The Ceylinco Ball Room with the SPITFIRES
> Or The Little Hut With the AMAZING GRACE
> Or The Akasa Kade with Sam the Man! / Sun & Sand
> And no one ever asked where the car keys were 'cause
> they were always
> in the car, in the ignition,
> and the doors were never locked,
> and you got into big trouble if you accidentally locked the
> doors at
> home, since no one ever had a key.
> Remember, lying on your back on the grass with our friends
> and saying
> things like "That cloud looks like a..."
> Playing cricket with no adults to help kids with the rules
> of the game.
> Back then, cricket was not a psychological group learning
> experience -
> It was a game!
> Remember when stuff from the store came without safety caps
> and
> hermetic seals 'cause no one had yet tried to poison a
> perfect
> stranger?
> With all our progress... Don't you just wish... Just
> once.....
> You Could slip back in time and savour the slower pace...
> And share it with the children of the 80's and
> 90's...
> So, send this on to someone who can still remember
> Bill Haley and the Comets,
> The Hardy Boys,
> Laurel & Hardy,
> Roy Rogers and 'Trigger',
> Famous Five,
> The Galle Face Green,
> The Lone Ranger, Kinross.... The Otters,
> The Piccadilly at Wellawatte,
> 'house-dances', Jam Sessions,
> Zellers at Bamba,
> 'The Blue Leopard' and of course Sirisanda...
> Bill Forbes and The Jay Cee Shows at Mount Lavinia Hotel
> And Evenings filled with bike rides,
> Playing in cowboy land, and visits to the pool...
> The 'Bamba Flats'....
> Fish & Chips & Sundaes with that special Chocolate
> sauce at the 'Fountain Cafe.'
> Mouth-watering "knicker bocker glory", and the
> jaggery sundae.
> Buriyani at Pilawoos.
> Mayfair....Lion House ...
> When being sent to the principal's office was nothing
> compared to the
> fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.
> Basically, we were in fear for our lives,
> But it wasn't because of terrorism' by
> shootings,
> drugs, gangs, alcohol and road rage...etc.
> Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat!
> But we all survived....
> Because their love was greater than their threat.
> Didn't that make you feel good? .
> Just to go back and say, "Yeah, I remember that!'
> ........
> And was it really that long ago?

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