Saturday, June 27, 2015

email from Udula Pathirana

9:36 PM (8 hours ago)

Dear Philip,

Thank you for the photos and the videos of the reunion.
I am attaching some photos   to add to your blog.
You deserve a ~BIG THANK YOU~ for all the hard work you put in together with Sarath, Duru and Nalini to make the reunion happen once again. It was nice to meet some of the batch mates after 5 years. It didn't feel like that though. Time seems to have flown very quickly and some including you don't look a day older. It will be nice to meet up gain in 3 years as Buddy had suggested. I wish you good health and strength to take the lead once again in 3 years. 
I haven' t started reading your books yet, but will do soon.

Best wishes and kind regards.

My dear Udula,
Thank you very much for the photos which I am attaching below. They will be an added facet of the reunion.
Regarding the reunion:-
Sarath Kapuwaththe was the main organizer and 'sheet anchor' for the arrangements. He did this in spite of disabilities.

Durumila Kumara did all the Hotel arrangements and did a very difficult task with the bookings.

Ranjani Thevarapperuma did the memorial plaque and group photo.

Nalini Rodrigo did the arrangements for the concert.

At the Concert

Philip Veerasingam did the memories of those who passed away.

Buddy, Anula and Vijitha Nikapota, Travis Perera and Lucian did the musical part to perfection.

Geri Jayasekera and Sunil Lyanage entertained the crowd and sent them into stitches of laughter.

Sam the Man was arranged by Sarath Kapuwaththe and did a wonderful job. 

I was only the ' Communicator'.

As you saw things went like clock-work and every one had a very memorable  time.

If you see all the pictures you would notice:-

1. There was no obesity in the batch mates after all these years.
2. There were a few with a 'beer belly'.
3. Every one had a smile to share.
4. Being over 70 years dd not deter the dancing.
5. It is said that memories rejuvenate you. This was absolutely  true for the reunion.

The Organizing Committee

The pictures sent by Udula are attached below:-

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