Friday, May 1, 2015

The Ravana story in Sri Lanka.

In present Sri Lanka the Ravana myth has overtaken the Vijaya legend.
The places where the 'Ten-headed' Ravana lived are being searched for by a very vociferous group, which seems to want to take political mileage out of the legends here.
Ravana never took refuge in a cave. He came out from his Capital and died fighting on the battle-field, according to Valmiki's Ramayana.
Sitha was abducted by Ravana in revenge for the dis-figuration of his sister's face. She was brought to 'Lanka' and was kept hostage. She never hid in a cave.
Various places in present Sri Lanka are associated with her.
1. Sita-Eliya off Nuwara Eliya on the road to Welimada where she used to bathe in a stream. There is a temple  there. Hakgala rock close by is said to have been a residence of Ravana.
2. Avissawella has a fountain called Sita Ella where she is supposed to have bathed.

A Dr. Mirando has written a book on Ravana and Sri Lanka. I am sure you could buy it on ebay.
Wishing you all the best.

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