Sunday, February 15, 2015

A lesson in history.

This is the best analogy yet!
Leave it to Maxine to come up with a solution for the mess that America/Canada/UK/Germany/Australia/NZ is now in economically.

I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it
on my back porch and filled it
with seed. What a beauty of
a bird feeder it was, as I filled it

lovingly with seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds
taking advantage of the
continuous flow of free and
easily accessible food.

But then the birds started
building nests in the boards
of the patio, above the table,
and next to the barbecue.

Then came the shit. It was
everywhere: on the patio tile,
the chairs, the table ...

Then some of the birds
turned mean. They would
dive bomb me and try to
peck me even though I had
fed them out of my own

And others birds were
boisterous and loud. They
sat on the feeder and
squawked and screamed at
all hours of the day and night
and demanded that I fill it
when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn't even
sit on my own back porch
anymore. So I took down the
bird feeder and in three days
the birds were gone. I cleaned
up their mess and took down
the many nests they had built
all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like
it used to be ..... quiet, serene....
and no one demanding their
rights to a free meal.

Now let's see......
Our government gives out
free food, subsidized housing,
free medical care and free
education, and allows anyone
born here to be an automatic

Then the illegals came by the
tens of thousands. Suddenly
our taxes went up to pay for
free services; small apartments
are housing 5 families; you
have to wait 6 hours to be seen
by an emergency room doctor;
Your child's second grade class is
behind other schools because
over half the class doesn't speak

Corn Flakes now come in a
bilingual box; I have to
'press one ' to hear my bank
talk to me in English, and
people waving flags other
than ”ours” are
squawking and screaming
in the streets, demanding
more rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe
it's time for the government
to take down the bird feeder.

If you agree, pass it on; if not,
just continue cleaning up the shit!






All four continents of Mother Earth, had their predators coming from Europe for more than six centuries past.
They committed Genocide where not a single native was left alive, as in Tasmania where the Aborigines were hunted like dogs, to extermination. Australia was the biggest ‘land-grab’ in history. It long had a shameful ‘White Australia’ policy.
They peopled South Africa and created Apartheid which became part of recent history. They robbed Africa of its human resources to provide slaves to the cotton plantations in America.
They plundered South America and peopled North America with their own, displacing and disenfranchising the natives.
China had its ‘gun-boat diplomacy and opium wars’ where a culture of centuries, was plundered and the populace was insulted with sign-boards saying ‘No dogs or Chinese allowed inside’.
India was plundered and its populace used as ‘indented labour’ – another name for slavery – to people the tea rubber and cane plantations of other South Asian countries and the West Indies. An ancient culture was destroyed.
The Middle East was marked out and exploited for its oil and a pittance paid – a dollar a barrel for crude oil – till a few decades ago.
As they say in the farms ‘The Chicken always come home to roost’. The troubles you created in the continents are ‘now coming home to roost’.
After all what is ‘bird shit’ but a mere annoyance.
These words are not said in anger.

Think about it.

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