Wednesday, January 28, 2015


email from Chellah Padmanathan

 Why are they so much in demand?  The following episode explains why.

The mighty oil refinery suddenly and inexplicably came to a standstill.  The engineers were baffled and the directors were furious.  After several hours of effort to restart the refinery failed, a consultant was called in.  

The consultant went round the silent plant and stopped in front of a serpentine mass of pipe work and called for a hammer and a ladder. Climbing up the ladder and looking intently at the pipe work for a few minutes, he proceeded to give a few firm taps on the pipe work, with the hammer.  

Hey Presto!  The refinery was in full stream again.

A week later the consultant sent in his bill for settlement.

It read:
              To work with hammer          -      £    5.00
              To knowing where to tap      -      £ 500.00

                             Total                    -      £ 505.00

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