Sunday, November 30, 2014

A review of 'Tales of an enchanted Boyhood' by Dr.C S Nannayakkara.

To purchase the book click on the web-link below to see the details:-

“History, like the drama and the novel grew out of mythology, a primitive form of apprehension and expression in which – as in fairy tales listened to by children or in dreams dreamt by sophisticated adults - the line between fact and fiction is left undrawn. It has for example been said of the ILIAD that anyone who starts reading it as history will find that it is full of fiction but, equally, anyone who starts reading it as fiction will find that it is full of history.
            All histories resemble the ILIAD to this extent that they cannot entirely dispense with the fiction element. The mere selection, arrangement and presentation of facts is a technique belonging to the field of fiction…”
“A study of History”

Arnold J. Toynbee.
Arnold J. Toynbee
Arnold Joseph Toynbee CH was a British historian, philosopher of history, research professor of International History at the London School of Economics and the University of London and author of numerous books. Wikipedia
 BornApril 14, 1889, London, United Kingdom
 DiedOctober 22, 1975, York, United Kingdom

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