Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thief steals UK triathlete Jessica Earp's £4,000 bicycle.

Police in Camden, London are hunting this man who is suspected of stealing the £4,000 bicycle belonging to GB triathlete Jessica Earp. The thief made off with the bicycle after hacking off the lock.
Read the full story:

28 September 2014

Somewhere in the mid 1990s, a surgeon from Sri Lanka went on a holiday to the UK. While doing a locum appointment in a Surgical Clinic in a hospital in London, he had to see a patient who carried with him a bicycle wheel, 'to be seen by the Doctor'. The surgeon ignored the bicycle wheel and concentrated in solving the patient's medical problem. After sorting that out he felt curious and asked the patient why he carried a bicycle wheel with him into the clinic. The patient replied 'Are you new to London? If I leave the bicycle intact but locked, someone would steal it. I therefore locked it and dismantled the front wheel to carry it with me. This way I can get home on my own bicycle'. That was London in the 1990s.

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