Thursday, October 9, 2014

Al Maari, 11th Century, Aleppo, Syria.

email from Dawood

Al Maari. 11th century Syria

An Atheist a Vegan a philosopher and Poet who lived in 11th. Century Aleppo Syria ,
His name was Al Maari.

The following are a small sample from. His poetry.

If an insolent man thrusts a sword of speech against you,
Oppose him with your patience, so you may break its edge.

 If time aids thee to victory, 
he will aid
Thy foe anon to take a full revenge.

On abstaining from meat

      You are diseased in understanding and religion. 
Come to me, that you may hear something of sound truth.
Do not unjustly eat fish the water has given up,
And do not desire as food the flesh of slaughtered animals,
Or the white milk of mothers who intended its pure draught 
for their young, not noble ladies.
And do not grieve the unsuspecting birds by taking eggs;
for injustice is the worst of crimes.
And spare the honey which the bees get industriously
from the flowers of fragrant plants;
For they did not store it that it might belong to others,
Nor did they gather it for bounty and gifts.
I washed my hands of all this; and wish that I
Perceived my way before my hair went gray!

Soften your tread. Methinks the earth's surface is but bodies of the dead,

Walk slowly in the air, so you do not trample on the remains of all who trod before thee!

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