Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Sandy Shores of Passekudah

Forwarded. None of the Hotels, motels,. Cabanas were around when I visited over two years ago. The sandy beaches with shallow waters is/are huge.

Nestled along the Eastern Coast of the Isle, about 35km from Batticaloa, Passekudah is well known as a haven for vacationers seeking an interlude among an expanse characterised by cool and calm waters, breathtaking beauty and the warmth of the sun.
Shallow waters, that allow one to wade in comfortably for at least half a kilometre depending on the time of the year, and gentle currents assure visitors of a delightful holiday that would be hard set to find anywhere else.
Cool and calm waters, breathtaking beauty, the warmth of the sun and Shallow waters, that allow one to wade in comfortably assure visitors of a delightful holiday
Silence, broken only by the occasional call of a bird and the crashing waves, accompanied us as we ambled along the sandy stretch that extended about three kilometres from one end to the other.
Not a soul was in sight, undoubtedly snuggled in their comfortable beds within the several hotels and resorts scattered along the beach.
Beyond the already occupied spaces of the expanse, several new developments could be seen, some nearing completion, others still on the initial stages with steel columns resembling dark spikes in the distance.
Imprints of countless steps going back and forth covered the entire length of the beach attesting to the multitude who occupy the shores as the day unfolds.
Now and then, a lone stroller would pass us with a fleeting smile, seemingly lost in his/her own musings.
All of a sudden a loud vroom interrupted our ramblings.
Quickly turning we saw a jet ski swish pass by, creating a veil of water as it swirled and shimmied its way over the waves, the rider probably warming up for the day.
Known for providing a diverse range of activities in water sports, the coral reef at Passekudah, which provides natural protection to the beach, allow visitors to indulge in snorkelling and diving as well.
As the day unravelled, a steady stream of visitors occupied the sandy shores of Passekudah, where travellers residing in nearby hotels made several visits to indulge in the cool waters and then to laze around in the sun.
Young and old alike seemed to revel in the opportunity of being able to spend a day at the beach unencumbered by the mundane activities of life.
The sounds of nature, as such, gave way to the joyous sounds of laughter and chatter of the gathered where adults laughed heartily at the antics of the little ones.
Due to the vast extent of the beach, those who sought a more subdued time was able to enjoy to their hearts content as well.
The beach stretches in front of the commercial properties held a certain amount of solitude only smudged by the occasional roamer that drifted by too lost in their solitary indulgence of the charming terrain to cause much of a ruckus.
At times such roamers were accompanied by one or more individuals just exploring the stretch appreciating the rare respite and allure of Passekudah.
The azure skies revealed a clear expanse set aflame with the brilliance of the orange sun that basked all with its golden glow
As the afternoon slipped away making way for dusk, we sat down at the beach eagerly drinking in the charming moments before they disappeared.
The soft brown sand of the beach that glistened in the daylight now held a more sombre tone turning almost gold as it reflected the orange glow of the sun.
The aquamarine waters of the ocean that sparkled brilliantly during the day turning variant shades of blue, now took on the shade of the setting sun-the rippling waters reflecting the variant tones of gold and red.
The azure skies revealed a clear expanse set aflame with the brilliance of the sun that basked all with its golden glow.
As dusk engulfed the periphery we bid adieu to Passekudah and joined the rest of the crowd heading back as the twinkling lights of the hotels started to illuminate the beach gradually, casting its own special spell.

The beach stretch of Passekudah offers some of the best hotels with:
  1. Maalu Maalu Resorts & Spa (the first hotel in Passekudah),
  1. Amethyst Resort,
  1. Anilana Resort,
  1. Uga Bay 
  1. Centara Passikudah Resort & Spa,
  1. Amaya Resort, to name a few.
SEVEN more hotels are to join the expanse as the Government of Sri Lanka looks to transform Passekudah as a tourist zone offering nothing but the best of Sri Lankan hospitality and charm.

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