Monday, July 28, 2014

The hormone gel that can banish depression in women

'My best friend Chloe tried to kill herself twice. Another suicide attempt and two admissions to the Priory later, she is fine,' writes HARRIET SERGEANT.
Read the full story:
29 July 2014

Comment by Bernie:-

Be very careful such claims via myths , cults , man created gods and sages, with miracles etc
Have fooled humans in the past. Depression cannot be cured by a cream all pied or any other older claims.
First eliminate placebo effect
Then false claims ,by any man created myths.
Spells portions chants south sayings , mantras? 
Japa, tho bil, offerings , cash for gods and spirits who can supposedly create anything but must have cash gold jewellery and food from humans ( even blood thirsty gods and devils
Need human cash collected for dysfunctional gods and hoarded by religious and cult promoters.
Some holy guys even say sex with then , invokes gods or heavens , to grant more blessings and many fall for this too,

But before applying a cream and pray for cure
Remember depression has no cure
It can and will recur
It kills
BPD poorly treated( like creams, other cult based tricks ) assures 15% death rate
And in a galaxy of billions of suns,
We have no identifiable hell or heaven or swarga or any such thing
Many hope we can be reborn , but evidence is inconclusive( except blind faith that blinds reason, logic and science)

Read on mythology of past 3000/4000 yrs 
It's replete with display of human stupidity
While we developed our intellect.
Human do a lot for themselves and others
But still pay till tax or poll tax to invisible , mythical  beings, that never manifested, unless one is inebriated or psychotic,
Though many claims are made, and believed with no basis.

But such is life
Even creams, fire, torture, human sacrifice, killings, mass murder, via wars
Is always justified by many, jihad is justified by many cults and faiths, and the list of contradictions, violations of human rights and denial of facts, creates a living for many, they communicate with mythical spirits demons gods devils Avathars spirits etc
Take money and pockets them in the name of gods and heavens.

The list of violations of human intellect by cults and via cult related creations 
Are many
Maybe one day humans will totally emancipate!



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