Saturday, July 26, 2014

Accomodating cultural differences.


"In a multicultural society such as Singapore, there are bound to be
differences of opinion"

"Accommodate differences of opinion in society, urges Dr Yaacob
Minister-In-Charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim." File photo: MediaCorp

"Consultation and accommodation important in multicultural society" such as
Singapore, he says.

My tangential comment on unsolvable racial issues-countries in Asia. Susiri


Well, in 1947 huge India split off Pakistan, with much blood shed,  yet
today having more Muslims within than in Pakistan. Subject to the same
Even Bangladesh split off 1972.

In 1965, far smaller Singapore with a predominant Chinese population split
off but continue to control the others.
While Malaysia the bigger chunk with its considerable Chinese population
(though contained now) yet hast its big racial problems that simmers. All
yet  subject to outside influence any day any year.

Breaking up into even smaller units as a country is self annihilation,
Subject by then two even control by even a few individuals from richer
countries(- George Soros was possibly one such man whose efforts near
destabilised Malaysia by suddenly withdrawing his invested billions.)

'Getting Smaller is beautiful' has its inevitable limitations.

Sri Lanka can consider itself  lucky with  clear tight boundary of sea right
 This cultured ( now  2014) country is  peaceful  including the north,
northeast and the east.
 All provinces  are economically  dependent on the dominant  western
province which produces 50 %  of the GDP.

One has to only note the ongoing population mix demographic changes in the
last decades, including during war, of the western province which draws in
all races  for economic reasons, with high degree of rapport among them. 
Barring the  occasional, sporadic issues, perhaps less common than in most
other places.


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