Saturday, June 14, 2014

Some pictures of our batch-mate Dr. G D. Fonseka's funeral house at Yatiyanthota, Sri Lanka.

'Fonny' was for 4 years a post-intern DMO at the Karawanella Hospital. He resigned from the Health Department and started his General Practice at Yatiyanthota in the early 1970s. He worked there till his demise. He was a household word in the area. I went to his house on the Yatiyanthota - Ginigathena road. The tears and weeping of the crowd who came there showed us the deep affection he had in the heart of the people whom he served over the years. He leaves behind his wife, a daughter who is a lawyer married and having children, another daughter who is an executive at Pfizer (Sri Lanka) and a son who is a prominent Buddhist Monk.
"Sunset and evening star
And one clear call for me,
May there be no moaning at the Bar,
When I go out to see'

May all the 'Kusala Kammas'-(Meritorius Acts) which 'Fonny' did in a lifetime take him onwards and upwards in 'Sansara'.

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