Thursday, June 12, 2014

Obituary - Dr. G.D. Fonseka.

Dr. FONSEKA - G.D. Beloved husband of Sanjeewani, loving father of Most Ven. Dhammananda Thero, Chief Incumbent of Kurunegala, Ahatuwewa, Kaduruwewa, Dharmarajagala Aranya, Chamelika and Chathurika, father-in-law of Sudesh and grandfather of Suheli and Priyeli. Remains lie at “Dhananji”, Ginigathhena Road, Yatiyantota. Cortege leaves at 4.00 p.m. on Saturday 14th June. Cremation at the Dehiowita Cemetery at 5.00 p.m. 106238 - See more at:

Dear Philip

Please share this with our batch mates.

GD was a very sincere , friendly and a very obliging batch mate.

Most of you may remember his jokes at our last ReUnion Get together we had in Dambulla.

Please share our deepest sympathies to his surviving family.

May he attain the eternal bliss of Nibhbhana .

I attach a copy if the obituary notice appeared in the Daily News of 13 th June for your info.



Hi Phillip
Just to inform you of the demise of our batch mate GD
I read the obituary notice in the Daily news 13/06/14
Please disseminate this sad news amongst our batch mates
 Tony preena

Dear Philip.

Here's an  Obituary notice that appeared in the Daily News paper today (13th June 2014).


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