Sunday, March 23, 2014


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From: "J. K. S. Weerasekera" 


Putin seemed fully cognizant of what loss of Ukraine would be for Russia while Obama is more remotely linked to the issue. 

++However foreign policy imperatives of  USA, China or Russia for example, are not assessed purely on hearsay--in fact the three countries employ armies of experts well-versed in languages and other intricate matters.

When Chinese President Xi met with President Obama in California the dialogue according to Chinese press had been very productive due to these behind the scene experts--Obama spoke few words of Chinese and Xi's English was just passable.

Remember Obama called Putin and they were on the phone for two and half hours--Cameron and Merkel also called Putin for long spells. 

++The domiciled Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese  populations inside USA run into millions--they constitute a veritable backdrop of interests groups that lobby White House on a daily basis--they could also be found outside State department these days.


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