Sunday, March 30, 2014

A re-union in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

 Forwarded message ----------
From: "J. K. S. Weerasekera"
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:09:12 +0530
Subject: FW: Get together 43rd year.
In 1971 we went on a 18 day camping trip to the continent from London
through Dover, Calias  to  Paris, Switzerland, Austria- Vienna,
Chechoslovakia-Prague, East Germany-
Dresden, Berlin/ Checkpoint Charlie/ West Germany- Hamburg, Reeperbhan
Frankfurt, Holland- Amsterdam.
Last night  43 years on we met in Colombo.
Looks like grand dad's army but some of you with recall perhaps may enjoy
seeing this.

Left to right, Sheriffdeen surgeon, Karaliedde anaesthetist yet shuttling
from Uk to Kandy, self, Poopalasingham anaesthetist on his once in 4 years
visit to meet us.


Prof. Sherifdeen told me an incident which took place on this trip. The car they bought for this trip was an 'Austin Princess'. The Governor of Ceylon of those days had a similar model. On a late evening during this trip they had approached the frontier post to enter Marshal Tito's Yugoslavia. The barrier was down and no amount of pleading would open the barrier. The occupants had accepted the inevitable of spending the night in the car. While they were chatting among themselves near the border post the name of Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike our then Prime Minister had come up. One of the frontier guards on overhearing this name had approached them and asked them from which country they were. On being told Ceylon things moved fast. The border barrier was opened and they were on their way into Yugoslavia.
Prof. Sherifdeen had met Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike long afterwards when she was out of politics. He had related this incident. She was thrilled to hear about it and said ' Yes, they respected us a lot those days'.

Philip G Veerasingam

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