Wednesday, March 12, 2014

1960Batch entrants, planning a 'Get-together' in 2015.

To all ‘Batch of 1960 entrants’, to the Medical Faculty, Kynsey road, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

We are in the early stages of planning a get together in Sri Lanka in the year 2015.
1.     It will be a 24 hour programme.
2.     The venue could be either Negombo or Colombo.
a.     Negombo would be 15 minutes by expressway from the Kelani bridge. Anyone who wants to come back to Colombo for the night and return the next day would find this easy.
b.     Sea-bathing is an added attraction.
c.      A boat trip watching Dolphins could be arranged.
3.     The month selected could be March, April or June. June might have rain.

Please send in your feedback on these suggestions to:-.

1. Durumila Kumara (nee Gunawaardena)
Tel. No for calls from inside Sri Lanka - 0112697188
Tel No for calls from outside Sri Lanka  - 094 112 697 188


2. Sarath Kapuwaththa
Tel No for calls from inside Sri Lanka - 081 222 4983
Tel No for calls from outside Sri Lanka  – 094 812  224 983

Philip G Veerasingam
Tel No for calls from inside Sri Lanka – 036 223 2500

Tel No for calls from outside Sri Lanka – 094 362 232 500

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