Thursday, February 20, 2014


Read the Notes at the Bottom - after you have looked
at the Pictures.
China 's New Aircraft Carrier

The following comment from an American

Observer who viewed the photos above;
“This is quantum leap above anything we have on the drawing board. Better speed, larger capacity, much more stable, etc.

It will be launched in half the time it takes the USA at just one-third the cost.

A few facts: the Chinese have completed the world's biggest dam (three gorges), the world's longest over-water bridge (65 times as much steel as in the Eiffel tower), constructed a 15,000 ft. High railroad into Tibet (all considered major engineering feats).

China is the only nation other than Russia that can launch men into outer space (our capability ended with the last space shuttle launch this month) . They have also shot down a surveillance satellite (one of their own) from the ground. Plus, they "own our ass" in the international debt

China 's new carrier could be twice as fast as anything we have,
  You still want to say : " Junk made in China ? "


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