Thursday, January 16, 2014

'Visions of an Island' -Sir Christopher Ondaatje

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From: "J. K. S. Weerasekera"

FW: "Visons of an Island"-Sir Christopher Ondaatje's Love with SL-BREATHTAKING VIDEO
Very interesting.  45 minutes.

Christopher Ondaatje billionaire in Canada was born and lived in Sri Lanka in his childhood before migrating first to the UK, having a hard time.

A man with a deep interest in wildlife-and business- all over the world, he has helped Yala infrastructure eg a road and a bungalow close to the park, avoiding politicians, at least in Sri Lanka.

He writes far more interesting stuff than his brother Michael’s in his prize winning book ‘English Patient’,
having written about Leonard Wolf and ‘Man eater of Punani’.
A bit of a ‘buccaneer’ according to some associates, meant kindly.

Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Fw: "Visons of an Island"-Sir Christopher Ondaatje's Love with SL-BREATHTAKING VIDEO


Subject: Fw: "Visons of an Island"-Sir Christopher Ondaatje's Love with SL-BREATHTAKING VIDEO

25 minutes
 Sri Lanka (Ceylon ) as seen by a “Britisher” Sir Christopher Ondaatje who was born in Sri Lanka and spent a good part of his life in SL. This is a 45 minute Video and if you can spare the time it'll be fully worth it. For those of you who are non Sri Lankans who have visited the island and others who preferred to live abroad, I'm sure this film would bring back some nostalgic memories of the time you spent here.

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