Monday, December 16, 2013

Sad news - demise of another of our batch mates , Ms. Swarna Premawansa( Samarasinghe)

Sena & Sarojini
7:16 AM (8 hours ago)
to me, karu1941, adivasi1940, manawedi2005
Hi Philip

As discussed briefly with you on the phone yesterday , please share the very sad news of the death of Mrs Swarna Premaratne ( Samarasinghe )..

Swarna had died peacefully at her residence at Schofield Gardens, Colombo in October only witnessed by her house keeper.

Swarna had no surviving family as her husband had died few months previously. She had been working as Municipalty doctor at CMC.

A private funeral service had been conducted by her close relatives. Weda( M.P. Wedisingha in Kandy ) had been told by a friend of his who shared this sad news initially with us.

Wedi & Piyaseeli had visited her in Feb 2013.

Philip, you may remember Swarna along with few of us who attended the inaugural COMSAA in September 2012 at Bentota. ( Vipula, Wedi and Piyaseeli, Colvin, myself and few others). You  very kindly took few photos on that occasion with a special photograph to include the 1960 batch mates who attended this event.

Wedi, Piyaseeli and I travelled in the coach from Colombo medical faculty to Bentota and return on that usual we did crack few jokes recollecting our medical school days.

Swarna was a very quiet but a very friendly batch mate who joined many of our batch events held in Sri Lanka .

Please share this Sad news even though it is belated.

Other batch mates may know more of her qualities.

May we all offer our deepest sympathies even belated to all her surviving family.
May she attain the everlasting bliss of nibbhana .

Best wishes



Swarna is standing next to Piyaseeli Wedisinghe at the CoMSAA get together at Beruwala in 2012.
Swarna at the 25th Anniversary get together in Kandy.


  1. Many thanks Philip for sharing this belated but sad news.
    Inadvertently I had written Swarna Premaratne which should read correctly as Premawansa.

    The 8 batch mates who were present in the photograph which you have very kindly added are(from L to R), Philip V, Vipula A, Piyaseeli W, Sarath S, Swarna P,, Wedi, Nana and Colvin De S.



  2. Thanks Philip for sharing. Thanks also for picking up the group photo showing late Swarna when she was live and kicking.

    I had inadvertently given her surname as Premaratna but this should read as Premwansa as I had indicated in my heading.

    Best wishes

  3. Thanks Philip for sharing the sad news. You have picked out a photograph showing Swarna when she was full of life.

    I had inadvertently written her surname as Premaratne. This should read as Premawansa as I had indicated in my heading.

    Another batch mate has left us emphasising the true nature of life- once born, everyone will die but uncertainty is how when and where.

    It is time we meet once again as a group to meet and greet all those who are still alive and kicking.

