Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Poverty in Sri Lanka - email jksw

What is the poverty level in Sri Lanka? Is it defined in terms of income? Is so how reliable are statistics relating to income distribution?

A few simple thoughts on this question;
Well over a century ago, writer R. L. Stephenson  wrote ‘ Nobody can be deemed  poor if they have food, raiment and shelter’.
Much has happened since.
Today, health, education, security, transport and a host of issues not imagined by him are considered basic needs.
Even water that was available in plenty then has a value today. ‘Light in the night’ is a must. Gadgets so that all adults can work for an income is a must.
But, even a king of yesteryear would look poor by today’s standard. Look no cars, No TV, no mobiles, no internets.

Definition of poverty would be a tad different by the time I finish writing this, so much changes so fast today!
And there is nothing to say that one day sometime, the non poor state  would be found hidden in our past! Back to the future.

Somewhere, contentment and happiness has to come in as  parameter and that is  the crux. Are we happier? Actually were we less happy earlier?

How much does a man require today to be called non poor?
A  large house, motor car, way out trips?
By such standards, are Sri Lankans condemned to be 20 times poorer than the high end dollar countries?
Does the possession of loads of money that you have to spend to stay afloat in richer countries translate at all to a good criterion of lack of poverty? Think not.

Nobody rich enjoys more hours of restful sleep, nor more meals of king fare.
So there.


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