Saturday, October 26, 2013

French police - email from jksw

when the French………

Vraiment très drôle ...! je vous laisse en juger.

True story. Guy was stopped and asked to give a breathaliser test.
The guy lives near Le Bugue in the Dordogne and he was as pis*ed as a fart...
The gendarme signals to him to wind down the window, asks him if he has been drinking.

The guy is an Englishman and replies truthfully;

'Yes, this morning I was at my (hic)..daughter's wedding, and as I don't like church much I went to the cafe opposite and had several beers.'

'Then during the wedding banquet I  remember downing three  bottles of wine; (hic)... a corbieres, a Minervois and (hic)...a Faugeres.'
'Then to finish off  the celebrations.... (hic) and my mate downed two bottles of Johnny Walker's black label.'
The gendarme warns him; 'Do you understand I'm a policeman and have stopped you for an alcohol test'?

The man replies;
'Do you understand that I'm British,

so is the  car,

and  therefore my wife is sitting in the other seat,

at the steering wheel?'

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