Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Israel Amazing Medical Technology - email Gallege De Silva.

 Beyond the Cutting Edge - Surgery in the Future
I wonder how long it will take for this technology to come to our countries. 

To everyone, please take the time to look at this brief film and listen carefully to what he is saying and to what they have already accomplished. If allowed to proceed with the research funding that will be required to bring this development to full term, it would be classified as probably the greatest step in the field of medicine ever. It is a tremendous step in the progress of medicine.
This is really exciting and one more reason why medical care may someday get better.
Amazing medical technology being developed in Israel
If you have someone who is suffering from Cancer, Parkinsons, Tumors, etc. then the following will be of interest. It's short, but very interesting.
Truly amazing! Most operating rooms as we know them might not be
needed ... sometime in the not too distant future.

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