Thursday, March 28, 2013

Irishman jokes- email Sunil Liyanage

Sunil Liyanage
23:52 (7 hours ago)
to Sunil
 Lost at Sea

Two Irishmen, Patrick & Michael,
 were adrift in a lifeboat following a dramatic escape from a burning freighter.  While rummaging through the boat's provisions, Patrick stumbled across an old lamp.

Secretly hoping that a genie would appear, he rubbed the lamp vigorously.
To the amazement of Patrick, a genie came forth.  This particular genie, however, stated that he could only deliver one wish, not the standard three.

Without giving much thought to the matter, Patrick blurted out, 
"Make the entire ocean into Guinness Beer!"

The genie clapped his hands with a deafening crash, and immediately the entire sea turned into the finest brew ever sampled by mortals.  Simultaneously, the genie vanished.  Only the gentle lapping of Guinness on the hull broke the stillness as the two men considered their circumstances.

Michael looked disgustedly at Patrick whose wish had been granted.  After a long, tension-filled moment, he spoke: 
"Nice going Patrick!  Now we're going to have to pee in the boat!

You've Been Drinking Again
An Irishman had been drinking at a pub all night.  The bartender finally said that the bar was closing.  So, the Irishman stood up to leave fell flat on his face.  He tried to stand one more time; same result.  He figured he'll crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that will sober him up.
Once outside, he stood up and fell on his face again.  So he decided to crawl the four blocks home.  Again, he fell flat on his face.  He crawled through the door and into his bedroom.  When he reached his bed he tried one more time to stand up.  This time he managed to pull himself upright, but he quickly fell right into the bed and is sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He was awakened the next morning to his wife standing over him, shouting, 
Putting on an innocent look, and intent on bluffing it out he said,
"What makes you say that?"

"The pub just called; you left your wheelchair there again."

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