Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Green Memorial, Manipay, Sri Lanka.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nihal. Gooneratne <nihalgee@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 6:29 AM
Subject: FW: Interesting stuff to read
To: philipv203@gmail.com
Cc: senaratnedc@optusnet.com.au

                                    Philip more information from Bala about the medical school.

From: Bala Balakrishnan [mailto:bala2012@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 1:59 AM
To: nihalgee@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Interesting stuff to read

Nihal ,thanks ,very intereting article ,
first establishment of medical school was stared by american missioneries even before a medical school was established in Colombo .
a book written by Mr Thiru Arumugamabout Green memorial hospital [which is still in existance and fuctioning ] 
The title of the book NineteenthCentuaryAmerican Medical Missionaries in Jaffna,Ceylon With special referance to Samuel Frisk Green.published in 2009
MV Publicatuions South asian Studies centre .Sydney.Thiru Arumugam is brother of our batch mate vimala Arumgan .lives in Sydney Enginner by Profession
incidently Dr. William  Paul[ was among the graduates of that medical college his son Samuel C Paul was the first ceylonese Doctor to obtain FRCS london.
Professor Milroy Pauls dad.   
 How are you keeping .finally i am hoping to retire by may or june this your
Best of wishes

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