Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birmingham, Uk. email sent by Kamalini Kanapathippillai.

Subject: Back to school-A sign Of the Times

Registry on the first day back at school in Birmingham.

The teacher began calling out the names of the pupils:-

"Mustafa Al Eih Zeri?" "Here."
"Achmed El Kabul?" "Here."
"Fatima Al Hayek? " "Here."
"Ali Abdul Olmi?" "Here."
"Mohammed Bin Kadir?" "Here."
"Ali Son al Len” - Silence in the classroom
"Ali Son al Len" - Continued silence as everyone looked around the room.

The teacher repeated the call.

A girl stood up and said, "Sorry teacher. I think that's me. It's pronounced Alison Allen....

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