Sunday, December 2, 2012

'Danno Budunge' - Sinhalese hymn.

email from Daya Jayasinghe

As the current patron of St Benedicts OBU in Victoria I love to promote religious friendship among all groups.This beautiful song sung by a group of  multicultural,  girls of various religious groups and within Holy family Convent  goes a long way towards it. If you agree please  pass it to our medical batch 1960. Thanks Daya j.

Additional information by Dr. Susiri Weerasekara

It might interest you to know that the Danno Budunnge tune and original misc was created as a church song  by /Richard Wagner of Liepzig Germany  about 150 years ago.

The tune is commonly sung at Christian churches in Sri Lanka.
Also the same tune is used in as the college hymn of St John’s college Jaffna (Anglican). I heard it there a few months back. St Johnss existed since around 1830.
When did they adopt it?

The Sinhalese words can be traced to the drama ‘Sirisangabo’ by John De Silva around 1915 –or so, not sure of date? I do not know if he used the same tune- possible.

The first song sung to Wagner’s tune can be traced to G.C. Rajapakse who sings it in high pitch ( G) as in the church style. This was recorded by him, with Indian musicians coming over by ship led by- I believe Lao Je. The 78 rpm record exists.
 I have a record of about 10 singers including Mohideen Baig,  and last by Amaradeva singing it in different style, but all of a lower pitch.

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