Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update on Tissa

Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:53 PM, PDT

This is going to be another cautiously optimistic post. Dad continues to progress slowly. He has been off the ventilator for quite a few hours today and he's doing OK. He's very tired and spent much of the day sleeping (probably because the ventilator isn't helping him much any more). Thanks to all of you for the notes. He does love hearing them when he's awake. Shanthi is with him today and she'll read notes to him when he wakes up. He's still desperate for a cup of tea but he's not quite well enough for that! We continue to restrict visitors to minimize the risk of another infection. He himself told me on Tuesday that he feels too tired for visitors right now. Hopefully that will change soon. We're trying to brighten up his hospital room with photos and pictures. If you want to email photos to me, you can send them to (I may not be able to reply to each email individually so I apologize in advance for that.)

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