Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update on Tissa by Manel his daughter

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  • Monday, April 4, 2011 8:49 PM, PDT
    Dad is about the same today according to my mother who spent the day with him. Although he is very weak, he did manage to muster up the strength to tell her that the doctors could order professionals to come and do physical therapy with him. I think that means he's getting tired to being told by me and Shanthi to do his physical therapy exercises.

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  • Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:00 PM, PDT
    Shanthi and I spent the day with dad today. (Mum usually does nights.) he was very sleepy this morning but in the afternoon was more alert. He did a little physical therapy with me which involved him giving me high fives. I also read part of an email from our Aunty Mallika and that made him smile. Medically he's about the same.

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