Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Names of Jewish scientists we came to know at the Medical Faculty 1960 to 1965.

The contribution of Jews to medical knowledge.

1. Freidrich Gustav Henle - Grandson of the Rabbi Feurth Germany. Loop of Henle, Henle’s membrane, Henle’s warts, Henle’s fissures, Henle’s sphincter etc.

2. Kaposi – sarcoma.

3. Unna’s – disease ( Seborrhic eczema)

4. Schamberg’s disease (Progressive pigmentary skin eruptions).

5. Lassars paste – Early substitute for Cortisone.

6. Wassermann – German Jew – Sero-diagnosis of Syphilis.

7. Ellie Metchnikof – Russian Jewish bacteriologist – Calomel in the early treatment of Syphilis. Nobel Prize.

8. Ernest Chain – Russian Jew (Isolating Penicillin). Nobel prize

9. Hans Krebs – German Jew - The Krebs enzyme cycle.

10. Otto Loewi – German Jew – Role of Acetyl Choline. Nobel prize.

11. Otto Meyerhoff - German Jew – Consumption of oxygen and production of lactic acid leading to fatigue. Nobel prize.

12. Konrad Bloch – German Jew – Cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism. Nobel prize.

13. Selman Waksman – Russian Jew – Invented the term antibiotic. Isolated Streptomycin. Nobel prize.

14. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine – Russian Jew – Anti-Cholera vaccine

15. Tadeus Reichstein – Polish Jew – Hormones of the adrenal cortex, synthesis of Vitamin C. Nobel prize.

16. Jonas Salk – American Jew – First vaccine against Polio.

17. Albert Sabin – Polish Jew – Oral Polio vaccine.

18. Sigmund Freud – Moravian Jew – Psychoanalysis.

Albert Sabin gave us a lecture in the New Anatomy lecture theatre in ?1964

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