Wednesday, August 18, 2010

emails re Pathmini's demise

Demise of Pathmini

1. 18.08.10

Sad to hear of Pathmini's demise. Our heart felt condolences to her family. I too remember her smiling and kind face.


2. Pathi was one of my closest friends at Methodist College & we had such fun together.

During our Faculty days we used to make a dash for lunch (chatting all the way) - she to her home & I to my cousin's who lived opposite her home.

Afterwards too she was a great friend to both Daya & me.

Sadly we lost touch after she left for the States but we did have a couple of chats over the phone. I can vouch for the sentiments expressed by Chandran that she was indeed a wonderfully kind & generous person - very loving & lovable & a good friend.

Our deepest sympathies to Panch & the rest of her family.

Daya & Nalini


Dear Philip ,

Please convey my deepest sympathies to Panch and his children ,i heard about her illness some time back ,it is a long suffering to reach her journeys end .

pleseant person to meet and enjoy a chat ,hope her soul rest in peace

Kind Regards.


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