Tuesday, August 10, 2010

email from Philip

I have released the second book authored by me and edited by Dr.Tissa Kappagoda. It is titled ‘The cry of the devil-bird’ and describes the experiences of my medical life in Ceylon/Sri Lanka. It has been highly acclaimed by various people eg.
By Dr.Mark Amerasinghe, MCh, FRCS, former Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kandy.
We both have finished your book. Premini liked it. I think it is first class - a Philosophical Autobiography -much for many to learn from. You should find a good, discerning reviewer. You have succeeded in weaving so many strands of varied colours around your career as a surgeon without losing the central thread, which is one man's journey through the most important part of a colourful life, a journey which touched many places and divers peoples. It is tight and compelling reading even for the non-medical person, and a must I think for every young doctor present and future. And the older ones should also read it, enjoy it and learn from it”.
It will cost Rs.900/- for postage inside Sri Lanka, US Dollars 15/- or Sterling Pounds 12/- with postage and packing to the USA/UK/Australia. You could send an equivalent amount in local currency.
If you send me your postal address, I will post you a copy.
Another book – ‘Friends, dreams and memories’ – a collection of essays on various topics, by members of the Batch of 1960 Entrants, to the Medical Faculty, Colombo, is also available. It was edited by Tissa Kappagoda. It will cost US Dollars 5/- p&p.
Wishing you all the best,
Philip G Veerasingam,
28, Mansuriya Lane,
Honiton Place,
Sri Lanka..

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