Tuesday, August 24, 2010

email from Pearl

Dear Philip
Sidney and I were really saddened to hear the news of Pathi's demise. We knew her well at Medical School and Panch of course was in many of our groups. We met Pathi and Panch in 1979 in the USA. We were staying with our cousin, Selvarani and Mahesan Richards, and the very first morning after our arrival Punch and Pathi arrived around 7am to meet us. We had a lovely meal with them in their beautiful home and it was such a warm and happy reunion. We met Panch and Pathi again at Sevarani's daughter's wedding in 2005 when our friendship was once again rekindled. We could see how bravely Pathi was coping with her illness. She was always gentle, loving and caring. As we are a couple within the batch we identified so much with them in so many ways. Pathi's contribution to pathology I am told by Selvarani has been outstanding. She has been voted the best teacher at the University and has won this acolade for many years running. Her contribution to her chosen field and to educating medical students will live on.
We think of Panch and the family at this time and pray that they will find comfort and solace in the many decades they have shared together and the memories that Pathi has left behind. We pray for them at this time.

Dr Pearl Hettiaratchy OBE DL FRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist
Robin's Hill
2 Oliver's Battery Road North
SO22 4JA

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