Monday, August 9, 2010

email from Nana. to me show details 21:10 (1 day ago)
1.Lovely to note that you also have the wonderful experience working in Barnsley. We can form a small association of Barnsley Hospital. Like Philip & Piyaseeli, I also worked in Barnsley as a paediatric registrar from 1977-1980. At the time we had 2 paediatric consultants whose management appeared diametrically opposite ( one will insist on LP on every infant who had a febrile convulsion whilst the other will only do a LP if < 9 months etc) As the only shared registrar I had to decide the mangement strategies for children depending on who was on call giving the conflicting advice to the parents.
2. Majority of GPS were pretty useless and referred almost all the trivia especially during the nights and week ends.
3. Most of the families were relatively poor due to pit closures but were very respectful of the doctors. Most of them had not even travelled to Sheffield (only 16 odd miles away & a big city) in their life time.
4. The monthly rentals for a 3 bed roomed house then was £28.00. When this was raised to 30.00 the resident doctors protested ( I was the junior doctors president at the time) and we got a reduction of £1.00 as a result.
5. Most of the consultants were of Indian origin and the clinical tutor was Dr Ghosh. The weekly lunch hour meetings were sponsored by various drug firms and majority of the times, buffet meal was Asian type.
I have read Philip's book < I left SL ( I had very little else to do I guess) and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Not everyone has the time and the inclination & perhaps the talent ( what a good excuse) like Philip.
Best wishes
sena nanayakkara

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