Friday, July 9, 2010

email from Dulcie Arulanandam - Dharmaraj

Dear friends of 1960 Batch,I was terribly sorry to miss out on this Get-together which I was looking forward to so much.My husband and I were supposed to attend the celebrations.Unfortunately my husband had to suddenly undergo Cholecystectomy a week before the get-together so I deemed it wise not to travel around at this juncture.As I had'nt seen any of the batch mates other than Anula and Vijitha Nikapota and Leeda in this interim 50 years, I am sure I would'nt have recognised any of them if I had met them on the street ! So it was good to see atleast how they are now in the picture sent through email.All who managed to attend the get-together are truly lucky. I can't get over this lost opportunity to meet all those of the 1960 batch who attended this event.All of you are in my thoughts. Wish you all the best of health and happiness for the future.Hearty congratulations to all those who were involved in organising this event.
Love and God Bless,
Dulcie Dharmaraj nee Arulanandam

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