Sunday, July 4, 2010

e mail from Dr. Piusha Atapattu, Dept of Physiology, Medical Faculty, Colombo.

Dear Madam
You mjst be having a lovely time at this time with your friends -but I thought I will just write a few words to say thank you. It was a wonderul gesture madam, and it was so lovely to see your batch mates -all so friendly and happy -and coming back to the alma mater and giving us such a lot- it may be a small thing for you but it is a truly big thing for us.We had a strange lovely feeling afterwards- I think the fact that you were together as a batch and enjoying each others company and being able to do do so much made us feel that the future may bring better things for us -even after we retire! We were talking about it the whole day and had a feeling of great joy prevailed (I think I am putting it across badly but it is difficult to describe what we felt taht day I have already given the books to Pharmacology, Biochemistry and paediatrics -and pharnmacology depratment has given me two old books in retuen. Biochemistry promised to do so but I dont think paediatrics can do it as they didnt have a single Nelson with them in the first place! Now do you want the old books back or should I give them to students with the other books you have given me to distribute among students? I thought I will wait for the BNFs to arrive -and then put up a notice for studets who are receiving some sort of financial asisstance to come and get the books -Then there will be at least 50 books altogether and I can let one student have one book so taht as many students as possible will benefit from your gift. Is that alright madam? If I ask them to come now most of them will have to go back disaapointed as only the first 10 students will be able to get a book as I have only about 10 books now.By the way we will purchase the probe for the pH meter on Monday -the agents agreed to bring it and the after calibration we can start offering the acid loading test from next week to pateints -I have already informed the avaialability of this test to the Prof Unit, LRH.I will keep you updated with the spriometer's progress -I was at a visa office the whole of Friday and so we will be able to start operating it only on Monday. Thank you again madam -and may you and your batchmates be blessed with health and happiness. best regards.

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