Tuesday, June 22, 2010

emails from Nalini

1. daya & nalini rodrigo to me
Physicians - please advice regarding prophylaxis. I'll just give some points to consider :
1. Daya & I travel around SL a lot - specially Yala - & we've never taken malaria prophylaxis.
2. On the other hand Lucky J got a severe attack of malaria a couple of years back after visiting Kataragama.
3. Did any of us take prophylaxis 5 years ago at Habarana?
4. Mosquitos are more likely in Colombo than at Habarana -specially with AC - although the Gala dinner might attract some.
5. The dangerous mossies (Dengue & Chicken gunya) are out during the day 10am to 3pm & go to sleep at night.
Overall, I'd advice some form of mosquito repellent body spray, AC & fans.
The final decision is upto you!

Dear all,
Buddy cant come on the 30th & we cant have the rest of the team going on strike at the last minute - so change of dates again!
Actually there are a lot of other reasons to change from 30th to 1st.
1. 30th - all heads of departments will be at the Senate meeting.
2. Everyone will be in SL by the 1st.
3. Harsha (Dean) has given us a date for the 1st of July 8.30am.
So everything fits in. Please treat this date & time as final & be in the Library (1st Floor) - at 8 am.
No barriers - just walk in & say you owned the place 50 years ago!
See you!

3. Please - if everyone gives their dates of arrival & return we could get a date where most of you could join.

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