Sunday, May 16, 2010

Programme for the get together

Programme for the 1960 entrants batch get together to be held in Dambulla on 2nd, 3rd and 4th July 2010
2nd July 2010
9 to 11 am - Arrival at the Reception, Cinnamon Lodge, Habarana, Sri Lanka.
Collect your souvenir and make payments for the group photograph.
12 noon onwards - Lunch

3.30 pm - Remembering those of our batch who passed away.

6 pm - Concert

7.30 pm - 'Paduru party'
8.00 pm - Dinner.
Sing-along of 'oldies' of 1950 onwards vintage.
11 pm - Bed-time

3rd July 2010
7 am onwards till 9 am - Breakfast.
8-9 am Photographs in groups for the final Batch photo.
10 am to 1 pm - Clinical sessions.
1 pm Lunch
Sight seeing by private arrangement with the Hotel management.
Please be back by 6.30 pm.
7.30 pm - Dance Procession to the site of the Gala Dinner and Dance.
The band Phase 3 will be in attendance.

4th July 2010
7 am - Breakfast
Group photos will be available by 8 am.
Those who have paid for the group photos could collect them.

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