Friday, May 28, 2010

emails re 'Remembrance'

1. Dear Phillip,

Honouring our departed colleagues by remembering , acknowledging and expressing grief
in a discreet and appropropriate yet pragmatic manner, is necessary,
at what may well be a final meetup.
The Armed forces of all countries do it regularly.In many different ways depending on the occasion!
Usually, a lone soldier and a plaque with all the names of the departed , a bugler playing the "Last Post" are prominent icons in such a ceremony.
We could have,
1. A computer screen with all the names projected on the back of the stage
and Scrolled during the period of silence.
The names are probably all in someone's computer .
2. a candle lit,
3. 2 minutes silence observed
in remembrance of all our departed batchmates
seems to be a pragmatic yet elegant solution .
Dining in a Mausoleum would be to risk indigestion!

Submitted with deep respect for our departed colleagues!

2. I do agree with the sentiments expressed by Sidney, Daya, Nalini & Kamalini.

Most of us (I believe) will appreciate the opportunity to remember those batch mates who passed away, and to show our respect and gratitude at the Get Together.

It may not be easy to get a consensus as to how this could be done in the best possible way within the short period of our Get together (with such a busy schedule).

The organising committee has so far taken so much of efforts to make the Get together a real success.
I suggest that the organising committee delegate to one or two members to read out the names ( 42 names so far with the addition of Dr K.A.J Anton Fernando as the latest) - preferably starting from 1960/61 and we all stand in silence for 2-3 minutes at the end.

I am aware that the attendance for any of the programmes planned is not compulsory but most of us would very likely wish to participate in this somber event.




Hi Batchmates

I feel it is better to have a poster with photograph and write up on an A4 size paper for each departed batch mate giving a short note on the deceased person. All should be uniform on Font size 14, arial.

Everyone can read at leisure

In addition we can read out the names and observe 3 minutes silence in memory of all.

Dr. N Sivarajah
Consultant / Coordinator, Jaffna Field Unit

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