Thursday, May 13, 2010

Copy of email to Nalini from Dr.Piusha Atapaththu, Senior Lecturer in Physiology, Medical Faculty, Colombo.

Dear Madam

I discussed this with Dr Suresh Dissanayake, the most senior physiologist and physician in our department -and he is already experienced in the use of the Helios spirometer.

He said that the Helios Spirometer is a hand-held flowmeter and is very easy to maintain it, as it only needs to be calibrated from time to time. It is also inexpensive and therefore replacement of the flowmeter (if necessary) will not be difficult as it is possible to obtain funds for repair and replacement from the university. The hand-held spirometer is attached to a computer with the required software using a cable and a USB port. What is expensive is the software which is to be installed in a computer -that is why we requested for a laptop as well if possible, to make it a dedicated compter for the use of the spirometer software only, and the possibility of using it for student teaching and research is greater if we could get a laptop.

The infrastucture of the department is sufficent to maintain this spirometer. We have airconditioning in part of the student laboratory where the spirometer and the computer can be safely stored when not in use, with the other laboratory equipment used for teaching and research. There are 3 qualified technicians and an excellent computer applications assistant in the department, who could be further trained if special training is required to maintain the software- but this is probably not necessary as they are very competent in maintenance of the existing laboratory equipment and computer software and hardware .

Please dont think we are asking for too much madam, we included the laptop and printer only because you said there may be sufficient funds available. If you could provide us with at least the spirometer then we can utilise a computer we have in the department to install the software and obtain printouts from the printers available -but it would be of great assistance if you could provide the laptop as well (the specifications are given in the cataloogues)

Thank you again for your assistance.

Best Regards


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