Thursday, April 1, 2010

Donation of books to the Library, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo.

Dear Nalini

Shared donation towards the purchase of essential library books and journals

I have great news for the Colombo Medical Faculty Library staff. We could offer the total amount quoted by Mrs Chandrani Kuruppu ( Senior Asst Librarian) – app. Rs 175.000.00 towards the purchase of all the essential library books and journals.

Following the initial interest shown and the offer of financial assistance from few of our batch mates to purchase few books, I have not noted any further progress on this.

As indicated earlier, we in UK felt it worthwhile if we could as a Group, collectively make a substantial contribution towards the purchase of these much needed library books and journals.

I am pleased to let you know (thanks to the shared common interest) that we are able to raise £1500.00 (the target we had in mind).

Our group contribution should be targeted for the purchase of the library books and journals as previously highlighted.

I can make arrangements for the transfer the funds to the Colombo Medical Faculty Librarian as adviced as soon as practical. If you need any further details, I may be able to provide them as well.

As we are in UK, I would very much like to ask you Nalini to be our link person till the job is completed.

I can also send the necessary details of all the donors who supported this Project.

Best wishes


Dear Nana & the rest,

Thats wonderful news! Absolutely great!

When the idea was first broached I only hoped our batch mates would find some old books & journals they wished to get rid of & maybe just a few new ones! It has really snow-balled into a great donation.

THANKS a lot!

I shall be only too happy to coordinate at this end & do anything you want done.

But if the money is sent direct to the Faculty Fund I guess there's nothing much left for me to do - except say THANKYOU!

Its really nice to know that while we are celebrating our anniversary we are reaching out a helping hand to others half a century after us!

Best regards,


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